Blogs Boston blog post

Gold Ribbon Walk/Run

Gold Ribbon Walk/Run

The Boston Chapter of Access Life America proudly hosted its annual Gold Ribbon Strides 5K walk/run 2021 event at Cape Cod Canal, Buzzards Bay (MA)

The energy and enthusiasm of the participants upon successful completion of 5K walk/run was amazing. Our proud supporters and volunteers made this event successful and empowering (as always).

With the flexibility of walking/running at individual’s convenience (of place and time) the participation increased by almost 200% this year. In addition, the event received tremendous support from all across the US.

We hope to continue our efforts to create maximum awareness about our cause of supporting Cancer bravehearts.

Blogs Boston blog post

Bridge Lighting

Shining a light on Childhood Cancer

September, being an International Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, the Boston Chapter of Access Life America organized for lighting of iconic bridges from Massachusetts to carry golden glitter  (Gold being the color associated with Childhood Cancer Cause). It was a symbolic gesture as a part of an awareness campaign to shine some light on the dire challenges posed by this disease as well as to celebrate our bravehearts and their courage for battling cancer with smiling faces !

1. Zakim Bridge (Boston, MA)
2. Burns Bridge (Worcester, MA)
3. Longfellow Bridge (Boston, MA)
4. Fore River Bridge (Quincy, MA) were illuminated in golden & red color. Access Life India has been doing a similar lighting initiative in Mumbai for past couple of years, but Access Life America did it for the very first time this year in the US and it would not have been possible without the support from Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT). We hope to continue our efforts to create maximum awareness about this cause and supporting our little bravehearts.